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Language Concept

The Lingua language concept ensures continuous, medium- and long-term recruitment of highly qualified medical professionals.

The Swiss HRmed language concept Lingua is the long-term solution for your personnel problem. Through our years of experience in the recruitment and placement of highly qualified, medical professionals, the majority from abroad, we innovatively help to stabilize your personnel planning, promote your employee satisfaction and ensure your quality of treatment.

In addition, the Swiss HRmed language concept Lingua ensures cost reduction in personnel recruitment, as this sustainable and plannable investment ensures that the loyal employees gained in this way will work and remain in your organization for a long time.

How we recruit and operate



After initial selection by our partner agencies, we contact the candidates personally and discuss the individual concerns, wishes and framework conditions for the language concept. In case of mutual interest, the candidates are invited to the info trip to your organization.


Info trip to your organization

The info trip allows you to get to know each other. The candidates get a good impression of the possible new workplace, which significantly increases their motivation to become part of your team. Furthermore, you as a company, get a good first impression of the candidates, in addition to the interviews that will also take place during this one-day program.


Language training in Germany

After mutual agreement and the contractual formalities, the candidates will complete a language course in Germany. Here, supervision and progress is organized by a trusted partner from Switzerland, while you as the company remain closely involved. The language test is completed with a recognized B2 German certificate, which is also required for SRK recognition and MEBEKO recognition.


Start of work

The candidates are ready to work! In addition to qualitative professional skills, your new employees now also have sufficient German language skills to begin an attractive working relationship. This benefits the induction and acclimatization process, keeps the quality of work in your company high and your personnel planning stable in the long term.
Meet Brigit
My many years of experience and my career in the healthcare industry both in Switzerland and abroad enable me to provide support for any healthcare recruitment needs in a personalised and sustainable way.

Higher stability in the workforce

With the Lingua language concept, you achieve medium- and long-term staff stability, with reduced fluctuation and more satisfied employees thanks to complete, stable teams. In addition, the language concept ensures continuous, plannable and long-term personnel growth.

Higher quality of treatment

A stable staff secures and increases the treatment quality of your organization. The Lingua language concept ensures that loyal employees stay with you longer, so that know-how is not lost and treatment by highly qualified professionals is guaranteed. Which leads directly to higher customer satisfaction.

What customers and professionals say about us


I wish I had found a program like this a few years ago, because it's easier to learn a language from scratch.

Participants Language concept
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I can highly recommend the collaboration. Openness and transparency. A give and take. Always with the focus that we all want to have the right people in the right place

profile picture

The collaboration was uncomplicated and transparent. Communication with Brigit is always honest, supportive and fair. She does what she says and is always willing to think along with you

Nursing service management
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